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Магическая сфера воды - Предмет
Комментарий от carosaurus
Can be farmed from the Toxic Horrors in Felwood.
Комментарий от ray5960
what price should i put them in AH since ive never seen them in AH before. how important are they to others?
Комментарий от Hippydiva
I farmed every area listed for these drops. After 3 hours I finally got 1 in Feralas. Worst drop rate in the game in my opinion.Комментарий от Napalmrage
I've found that the fastest way to obtain a few of these is actually through fishing the patches of elemental water in Azshara. If nobody else happens to be fishing in this area, which is pretty often considering how few people fish for profit (especially in lower level areas), you'll probably catch 5-10 globes of water in 45 minutes or so.Go to http://www.elsanglin.com/fishing_elemental_water.html for more information. Just keep in mind that the article was written pre-BC and is a bit outdated, but the spawn points and such are still accurate.
Комментарий от kingriko
i have been killing sea elementals for 10 minutes and i already have 2 of these + 1 elemental waterКомментарий от arkov
Took me 50 minutes to get the four of these that I wanted farming from Toxic Horrors. First two dropped in 15 minutes, and then I didn't get another drop until I got two in a row 50 minutes in.4x Globe of Water18x Essence of Water4x Elemental Water21x Core of Elementsand 100+ Enchanted Water
Seemed to drop in bursts for me.
Edit: Make that 3 in a row... as soon as I went back to the game I killed another and got another Globe.Drop rate is schizophrenic.
Комментарий от Sabarth
I agree, the sea elementals in Feralas were the best drop rate of all the places.Комментарий от Noxise
By far the fastest way to farm these is by fishing them at the patches of elemental water in Azshara. Most pools are good for 1-2 casts, with the odd 3-cast pool, and there is a very good chance to fish 1-2 Globes of Water out of any one patch. Farming these for my enchanting priest took me fifteen minutes to get four. Most of that was time spent swimming to each new pool.Комментарий от Artio
Best place to farm these is in my humble opinion: The coast in Feralas: the Sea Sprays and the Sea Elementals.There are a a lot of them with 7% confirmed droprate (I just farmed a lot of these there) and no need to wait for respawns or so.Watch out for the level 48 elite giants, if you are not high-leveled yourself. The goblin at the dock gives (repeatable) quests to zap the giants into non-elite ones if needed.
For those who likes to fish them: its easier to fish, but it takes way longer to get from fishing point to fishing point (and even to get there at all).
Комментарий от Tankofheals
If your attempting to farm these little buggers then I highly suggest Feralas, specifically The Forgotten Coast which is just south of where the dock is for the boat to Feathermoon. There are lvl 46-49 Water Elementals that have a pretty decent drop rate for them. I was questing and got about 3 of them in 20 minutes and I am a lvl 50 BM hunter so if anybody is around the high 40's or above they are pretty simple to kill they only do melee swings and the occasional Frost Bolt but I must say that it is VERY IMPORTANT you keep an eye peeled for the elite giants that pat around a bit in that area becasue they will attack and they aren't so easy to beat. Good luck and happy hunting! =P
Комментарий от Mikal
One tip to keep in mind with the BC expansion i that now you have the option of collecting elixirs of water walking, which would lessen the time needed to travel from one fishing pool to another. Why bother swimming? Just waterwalk.
Комментарий от XXXoasis236XXX
Well I guess I am really lucky... I got 2 globe of waters in 3 muck splashes. I hope you guys are as lucky as i am!Комментарий от pyrellael
Just got the 2 Globes I needed in under 10 minutes at the Searing Gorge spawns.One on the second to last mob on the initial bunch of them. Second on the second mob of the respawns of those.
Комментарий от spidude
Drop rate on the Muck Splash's in Searing Gorge is about 1 per round of spawns I found. Respawn time being 5 -7 mins.Комментарий от Drathellia
Feralas definitely had a ok drop rate, got 2 globes of water off the water elementals in about 15- 20 mins.
Комментарий от Boomski
I needed a load of these to craft Tranquil Mechanical yetis For some insane reason Globes of Water are now selling on Trollbane AH for 50g each instead of 5, so I headed off to Feralas to farm some and can confirm that farming the water elementals is quick and easy - in 4 sessions along the coast I already had 20, enough to make 10 yetis which will net me 1500G. Thanks for the farming tips guys :DКомментарий от pikarya
Okay, I wasted two hours trying to fish these up in Azshara. Got one after 2 hours and gave up. Figured I'd give ONE last attempt and try the "Feralas" camp everyone is talking about.Go to the coast, killed my 3rd one. Got drop.
Don't waste your damned time fishing from those limited fishing pools.
Комментарий от Numarkoth
I've fished around Azshara a lot, since I mainly am there to gather Darkclaw Lobsters/Winter Squids/Large Raw Mightfish for sale (as well as for the collection of the weighted versions of said fish), and I've gotten more Globes of Water than I can think of.Комментарий от sniperorc
My experience:I needed these for Desert Survival Kits (ah, the joys of grinding old faction rep) and decided to try to fish these up.
El's Anglin' has a very good page with locations for spawns of Elemental Water pools. Two Elixirs of Water Walking later, and I had 8 from 5 pools, plus 2 Essences and 12 Elemental Waters.
The general patrol pattern I used was: head out to Hetaera's Clutch, out in the middle-north of the bay, and then work your way counter-clockwise along the little islands that stretch from there to the south end of the bay (close to where Duke Hydraxis is), then north towards the Temple of Arkkoran.
It worked out that when I fished out one spot, the next one in the counterclockwise rotation would spawn.
Let's hope the RNG likes you as much as it did me this evening.
Комментарий от wis88ant
If you want these and your not fishing them up then your nuts!P.S. I recommend getting Find Fish, if you don't already have it, so you can track the fishing nodes. It's worth it in the long run but if you don't want to you don't "need" it. They really aren't that hard to spot if you just follow that map they are where they list them to be, bright baby blue circles. You can't miss them. Also if you got GatherMate addon, you only need to fish them once and then they are saved forever on your map and minimap for easy finding.
P.S.S I also recommend using some Elixir of Water Walking to make the whole process a little easier and quicker.
Комментарий от cking007
For those who hate Azshara as much as I do, and had about as much luck with the Sea Sprites & Sea Elementals in Feralas (that'd be no luck at all in case you were wondering). I suggest going to Searing Gorge and downing some of the Muck Splashes in the cave to the west of the Alliance Flight Point. Hadn't seen a single one, until I killed about 6 of them and got 2 in about 1 minute. Not a whole lot of them in there mind you, but with a drop rate like that, who cares.Комментарий от JohnCates
Farmed he MUCK SPLASH in the cave at Searing. Says 18% drop ... i hit 1 out of 84 kills.Cates80 PaladinIllidan Alliance
Комментарий от LoreKeeperMobius
the rates in both the zones posted above are equalКомментарий от error10
Two of these are required to learn Elemental Leatherworking. (A/H)Комментарий от pojih
As an 80 (you can farm any of these mobs with ease) I would suggest Felwood.. the Toxic Horrors have a decent drop rate, and they also drop other worthwhile items (essence of water, greens).Feralas was a great place, except half the mobs dropped nothing, and the drop rate seemed lower than in Felwood.
Plus, when you are in felwood, you can farm the Irontree Wanderer for Essence of Life.
Both of these mobs also drop money, greens.
After farming for these for numerous itmes ingame (enchants, armor) I would HIGHLY suggest Felwood and the Toxic Horrors, for money - the item - and the ease of farming other AH'able items.
Комментарий от 1k2k3
Thanks for the advice, got the two globes of water I was after, took me about 10 minutes of killing.Комментарий от Lamor
probably incredibly odd luck or coincidence.tried farming a few around 2am and only got 1 after 40 minutes of farming.
logged back in at 10 am. did 1 round, killed 10 or so toxic horrors.WHAM6 globes of water.
maybe it's possible the time of the day affects the drop rate but i doubt it.
Комментарий от ipatchofsaul
As of 4.03a The Shattering, these no longer seem to be dropping off the sea elementals in Feralas. Those coastal water elementals were moved down 10 levels to around level 37ish and their loot tables have changed. I killed about 80-100 of them and got nothing but junk, some copper, and 1 elemental water.Комментарий от Jepperdepper
The water elementals in Eastern Plaguelands still drop Globe of Water as of 4.0.3a.The elementals in Feralas doesn't drop this item anylonger, and the elementals in Felwood are gone.
Комментарий от HikaruTalnivarr
Since 'The Shattering' (4.0.3) the best spot seems to be Winterspring, farming Ice Avatar. The fishing spots got removed together with the toxic horrors that used to drop them. And as the posts above says; they don't drop from sea sprays in feralas anymore either. I got 2 in less than 5 minutes minutes (10+ kills). Maybe I got lucky, maybe they increased the droprate to make up for removing some other mobs?Комментарий от Laforet
Confirmed that these drop off of Ice Avatar's in Frostwhisper Gorge, Winterspring. Got the two I needed in less than a dozen kills.Could have sworn someone had written this alrdy but not able to see it now.
Комментарий от Perciususi
i just spent an hour farming the water globes off the Steaming Fury at Golakka Hot Springs in Un'Goro Crater. I was able to farm 7 Globes of Water in that time.I also picked up 8 and 16 , and as some bonus G i picked up 3 stacks of Inert Elemental Shards which sell at vendors for 6g per stack.
Also, if you have a second gathering profession particularly Leather Working, this could be an extreamly lucrative are to farm as there is an abundance of skinnable creatures that are near by and will give you something to do durring the extreamly short down time whle the Steaming furies respawn.
Комментарий от felonyskies
The Scalding Springsurge also appear to be dropping them
Комментарий от teddosama
I've found the best place (post Shattering) is the Swamp of Sorrow.There are the correct level water elementals at the lake south of where one enters the zone from the west.Good hunting!
Комментарий от rpalmeri
BEWARE! Toxic Horrors have been removed from the game as of Patch 4.03a. Don't bother going to Feralas for Globes of Water. Won't find any!Kortash, Sentinels
Комментарий от Phazeal
Dont go farming these in winterspring unless a) you are patient and b) you're only farming them to make something. I had to kill 60 of these with no result to get one. Funny thing, I got one off mob no. 61, 62 and 64. I know probability can misrepresent itself in the form of a pattern, but it struck me as very strange that the drops were so bunched. I didn't continue to farm as I only needed 1, but if anybody else sees this there might be something to it.Комментарий от Alydon
I spent 15-20mins farming these from the Ice Avatars in Winterspring and got7 X Globes of Water6 X Elemental Water2 X Essence of Water
Very good place to farm for these ;o)
Комментарий от nikkihamrick
Good farming for these off the Ice Avatars in Winterspring. They're all lined up in Frostwhisper Gorge with super fast respawn rate. Less than an hour of farming, I got21 Globes of Water13 Essence of Water19 Elemental Water
3 green armors31 Icecap (herb)
Also "Exotic Regent Merchant" Vi'el is here with 2 Felcloth and 4 Gromsblood for sale with some other stuff like a Fel Elemental Rod.
Комментарий от cavelupum
You can find globe of water dropping from ice avatars, in the south of winterspring, it is a low drop. You have to kill all the mobs in the area to get 1 globe. The area with the ice avatars is at 57, 82. They have a incredible high spawn rate, and they will also drop essence of water (lower rate than globe) and elemental water (2-3 times the globe drop rate).Комментарий от KriegSureshot
BEST place, I farmed 8 of these Магическая сфера воды in the time it took Дочь трактирщика to cool off with Скорое возвращение, from just having used her to get out of Felwood.Golakka Hot Springs in Кратер Ун'Горо ! Counter clockwise, circle the area, going around the edge of both lakes, you will not run out of Стремительная ярость
Комментарий от Defca
Needed two of them for Спокойный механический йети, was farming in Un'Goro Crater at Golakka Hot Springs, killing Стремительная ярость, there are pretty much of them, got mine Globes after less than 10 min farming, which is pretty good for a 7% drop rate. Also got some Первородная вода and Субстанция Воды on the way and the most important that those elementals drops Угасший осколок элементаля, 30s each so its kinda a good gold for this low-level zone.Happy farming :)
Комментарий от Caltree
Yea...whoever said Feralas was a good spot must have been post Cataclysm, because I just spent about 40 minutes grinding Sea Elementals and Sea Sprays in Feralas, killed 110 mobs between the two, and all I got was 3 Elemental Water, 1 green lvl 34 mace, and loads of gray Inert Elemental Grains and Inert Elemental Flakes. Total waste of my time since I was after Globes of Water.Комментарий от Stegotgame
Dont go farming these in winterspring unless a) you are patient and b) you're only farming them to make something. I had to kill 60 of these with no result to get one. Funny thing, I got one off mob no. 61, 62 and 64. I know probability can misrepresent itself in the form of a pattern, but it struck me as very strange that the drops were so bunched. I didn't continue to farm as I only needed 1, but if anybody else sees this there might be something to it.
DUDE....lol. I just read ur post a few minutes ago....and was totally thinking....yeah right...thats not how RNG and random drops work....then i go back to farming....and number 49, 50, 51 give me globes after 1-48 got me NONE. This seriously should be looked into further. Downrate me / don't beleive me if u want...but i think this guy is on to something.
Комментарий от worldofscotty
Hands down best place has to be the Ice Avatars in Winterspring. I got the 20 I needed in under an hour.Whoever is fishing for these if insane. I flew around ashzara for 30 mins and didn't find a single pool.
Level 85. One shot killing starting at one end to the other and flew back. Respawns by the time I got there every time.
Комментарий от neocrysis
Golakka Hot Springs in Un'Goro Crater is the best place for globes of water one round i came out with 5 another 2 rounds up to 12. the fishing spots for globes dont work anymore also the mobs in felwood have been removed, i tryed the elementals in Feralas did one round with a high lvl and 2 rounds with a 40 no luck at all only came out with 2 elemental waters. i went around trying spots for hours till i tried the crater,the steam guys also give alot of elemental waters and essences of water. these mobs are lvl 52-54 by the time you make one pass they should have respawned.Комментарий от FeyGyrl
so this comes up for anyone searching under the latest patch notes drop down filter.....I hit Un'Goro Hot Springs - I spent about 40-45 minutes with my 67 DK running around, killing the Steaming Furies. I picked up 10 Globes of Water, 7 Elemental Waters, 3 Essences of Water, and sold enough grey items picked up to earn 12 gold & change.Also, if you haven't done it already, you may be able to pick up The Spirits of Golakka Hot Springs from Maximillian of Northshire, to knock out that quest, of the Un'Goro quests.
Комментарий от Enhiure
Farming Steaming Fury. After 26 kills I´ve obtained:6x Elemental water3x Essence of water2x Globe of water
(sorry for my bad english, I´m spanish)
Enhiure (EU-Minahonda)
Комментарий от paularcher24
i neede loads of these for my alt so went to felwood to farm some but decided to stop on the way and do my archeology which just happened to be in frostwhisper gorge (coords 57.0-79.7) i thought as i was there id kill some ice avatars which were roaming all over there they are only level 53-54 . if you start at the top of the slope the opposite side to the non elite boss and work your way towards him you will get quite a few globes of water also they drop elemental water and essence of water too. once you get to boss kill him as he has same if not better drop rate then fly back to top of slope where you started and they will all have respawned again the bonus to farming this area is you have a vendor right near the boss (a little warlocks pet standing on rock) , you get very little trash and if none of those 3 drop you are more often than not going to get a inert elemental shard which sell for 6g per stack. theres no elites and there is a rare exotic pet that flys straight through there every so often its a big flying dragon thingy with 2 heads lol if anyone knows the pets name plz update thx
Комментарий от Mooncharmer
I highly recommend farming globes of water to be more successful if you do the rounds at Lake Mereldar (EPL) the Plague Ravagers/Blighted Surge would drop 1 globe of water per rotation...and they respawn by the time you are done with each rotation of the lake. This was much faster than in Feralas, where I farmed for 1.5 hrs and got NILL!
Комментарий от Mooncharmer
You Sir are incorrect! There is lots to be farmed as I mentioned above at Lake Mereldar in EPL. I got 10 globe of water in 40 mins from this location if you continue to rotate the lake, quick respawns.
Комментарий от saltine
This was very helpful, thank you.Комментарий от minduim0
Confirm Ice Avatars as a good source of both Магическая сфера воды and Первородная вода. The respawn rate is pretty good, I just ran around Frostwhisper Gorge killing them all and when I went back to the start those guys had already respawned.Killed around 100 of them (sorry, lost the exact count) and got:
As a shadow priest, the process is very easy: just start at one of the gorge ends (I started with Frostilicus) with Inner Will activated and run around the gorge, casting SW:P at them. After reaching the gorge end, just fly back to the start and collect the drops. I killed around 100 of them in just a couple minutes.
Комментарий от Sak23
Confirmed for 4.2.2. In 35 minutes of farming Steaming Fury in Un'Goro Grater:- 151 Steaming Fury Kills
- 12 Globes of Water (7.9% drop rate)
- 13 Elemental Water (8.6% drop rate)
- 10 Essence of Water (6.6% drop rate)
- 41 Inert Elemental Piece
- 76 Inert Elemental Shard
Комментарий от Eindos
I've just run around Golakka Hot Springs in Кратер Ун'Горо for half hour or so with my 85 hunter, i managed to pick up 12 Магическая сфера воды and 12 Elemental water. Tried Восточные Чумные земли earlier with no results for me. May have looked in the wrong place!.Комментарий от funestis
So this is my result farming Ice Avatars in Winterspring for 10 Globes of Water:Total 156 kills
10 Globes of Water8 Essence of Water13 Elemental Water37 Inert Elemental Piece88 Inert Elemental Shard
Additionally I also got 3 random green armors and 6 gray armors/weapons.
Комментарий от silvertears0585
I found the same to be true, many of the areas mentioned pre-cata dont seem to drop the globes of water I was after. I did however try the Ice Avatar in the very south corner of winter spring. (in frostwhisper gorge)My first clear of the gorge I got 2 globes of water and 2 essence of water. Second clear I got 3 globes of water, 2 essence of water, and 2 elemental waterSo I wouldnt waste time on the other ideas like I did, I think they are probably just outdated now. But Winterspring seems to be worth trying, just go up and down clearing the gorge, and they respawn fairly fast.
Комментарий от Aruska
after 80 kill i got-13 essence of water-7 elemental water-5 globe of water-1 Mithril lockboxAnother round:140 kill-11essence of water-9 elemental water-10globe of waterКомментарий от seahen
None of the Stormcloth recipes are available in the game, so the only tailoring pattern that can actually be made using this is Одеяние из ледяной ткани.
Комментарий от eXyRael
I tried farming in Winterspring first and for only 1 Globe of Water after about 10 rounds. Then I went to Un'Goro and picked up 5 Globes after 5 rounds.Комментарий от Moulders
I was just farming Дух Чистого источникаs in the swamp of sorrows where these seem to have a great drop rate After 35 minutesI had looted:Субстанция Воды -11Магическая сфера воды -15Первородная вода - 20
this was as of 4.3
Комментарий от jcarmosino
Purespring Elementals are for sure the best to farm them in swamp of sorrows. It might take a few rounds. They might not drop on the first round but they do respawn quickКомментарий от wawright2
Just ran several rounds of the hot springs in Un'goro. Some reported drop rate aproaching 10%. My results were:Inert elemental shards or pieces 42Elemental Water 6Globe of Water 2Essence of Water 1So 2 drops out of 51 kills is about 4% drop rate.
Комментарий от Elphadora
The elementals at frost-fire hotsprings in Winterspring also drop them pretty often
Комментарий от Furygan
On 19-07-2012 I went to the Hot Springs in Un'Guro crater to farm "Globe of Water" was farming the Steaming Furies for about 45 mins without any dropping. Don't know if they are not dropping from these mobs anymore but thought I would let people know anyway.
Комментарий от hobbidaggy
Can confirm that these drop healthly from the Ice Avatars in Frostwhisper Gorge in Winterspring (bottom of the map) by the time you kill them all in the gorge and run back to the start, the rest have spawned again so you dont have to wait around for them to reappear.Комментарий от Macpurcel
Ungoro still works, 4 laps around the lake-4 globesQuick and easy
Комментарий от Anarore
In about 60 kills at un'goro, I got:37 inert elemental shards (grey)8 inert elemental piece (grey)6 elemental water4 essence of water4 globes of watersome random other grey items
Комментарий от Boxster2004
Confirming the Steaming Furies around Galakka Hot Springs in Un'Goro still drop the Globes of Water as well as some other water items. In 3 circuits, I got:8 globes of water2 elemental water3 essence of water32 inert elemental shards (grey)20 inert elemental pieces (grey)
Комментарий от LiriellGarrosh
As of Feb 2014, Frostwhisper Gorge seems to be a very good spot to farm these. I got 3 in about a dozen kills from the Ice Avatars.
Комментарий от Kanderus
If you have 20 minutes to farm, Un'goro is a sure fire bet.
Комментарий от drpimento
25 minutes at Golakka Hot Springs, 45 kills of steaming furies, zero globes of water. 8 elemental water and 3 essence of water and some other junkКомментарий от Kronzlife
In about 30 minutes & 62 kills of the Стремительная ярость around the hot springs in Кратер Ун'ГороI got
Первородная вода x 12Магическая сфера воды x8Субстанция Воды x2
Inert elemental shards x 62 =12g 60s inert elemental pieces x 24 =1g 20s
And 5 pieces of grey gear worth like 6g total
Комментарий от Phasmatix
If you are farming for Магическая сфера воды Дух Чистого источника are brilliant.In about 20 minutes I farmed 250 of these, netting me;
28 Первородная вода (11.2%)18 Магическая сфера воды (7.2%)10 Субстанция Воды (4%)
+ a few greens and 9g 95s worth of trash.
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